Thursday, June 27, 2013

[H] Truth Thursdays | This Journey

Songs that make me brave...

"Helen, you're my brave little princess."  He whispered as he tucked my covers up to my chin, the faint scent of smoke still lingering from his shirt. I could feel the commotion outside as the rest of the house was shredding documents and rearranging furniture; my mother waddling around, 8 months pregnant. We knew they would come in the middle of the night for inspection, as was customary. But in this moment, my room was quiet, my dad, who had just come home after a 12 hour interrogation, was with me. All was safe. All was well.

That night and the month and a half that followed was probably the most outrightly scariest time of my life. It was also the most exciting. Uncertainty freaks the living bejeezus out of me. Uncertainty has been the only certainty in my life. I am scared every day.

I have also learned to be brave every day.

Clair de Lune - Debussy

For my fifth birthday, my grandmother gave me a cd with all the greatest classical ballet music. I would play it every morning and dance around the living room while Tchaikovsky's melodies would prance around me, urging me to twirl, twirl, twirl, up and on the couch, down to the floor, across the white carpet and under the dining table. And then this song would come on, and for some reason, this song, demanded stillness. During this song, track #7, I would rest.

I brought the cd with me when we moved to Asia. Whenever I'd feel afraid, sad, lonely, uncertain, this song would bring me comfort.

16 years later, I think I'm starting to figure out why that is. I like how this entry is titled -"This Journey." I've learned to be brave because I know this is all a journey. I know that each moment in my life shapes me and prepares me for the next one. The notes that trickle one after the other are like those moments. Some seasons are filled with quick successions of moments spiraling into a downfall or a rise. Some moments are long and drawn out. Each moment holds its own, quivering in the air until the next one takes over. Together, those notes create a wonderful melody, a beautiful sound, the most delightful music. I know that together my moments will create a beautiful life.

I trust in my Composer. From glory to glory, He said. And in all things, He works together for the good. Whatever they might have done in evil, He can turn it around for good. I can be brave in my uncertainty because I am certain in Him. I have glimpsed the coda, and though my moments alone may not make sense, I know that it will all come together in the end to form something glorious. I know that in His hands, it will be beautiful. I know that through Him, I can make music. This makes me brave. He makes me brave.

Other songs that make me brave:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

[H] Truth Thursdays | Today I Leave Behind

Today I leave behind my worries. I drop the things I cannot change and cannot control. I must be patient and mindful to sift through the things I carry to know to leave the things that don't belong.

My worry, shame, and anxiety does not belong. They do not bear fruit. They do not bring value. I drop them and they disappear.

Today I leave behind little seeds. I leave behind good thoughts, feelings, little truth in my lovelies' hearts. Today I leave behind prayers that even though I no longer see them, with a little sunshine and a healthy environment, a little bit of water, those seeds will grow.

I can not despair over them; over the things that I do not know. But I can pray. And hope that one day they'll see me as someone who has not left behind an absence, but has left behind a legacy.

[D] Truth Thursdays | Today I Leave Behind

Leaving behind
Pieces of my heart
It's all I've been doing
I don't want to leave
I want to return 
I want to pick up
I want to stay 

But today I am here 
So today I choose

I choose to leave behind winter
I choose to leave behind the frozen air
The Frost bitten fingers 
The cold and heavy blanket of fear and loneliness

Today I leave behind winter and open my arms wide to embrace the spring and summer
Today I choose to breathe in
Today I choose to wake up and get out of the covers

Today I return
Today I am picked up 
Today I bask in the Son

 - D

Friday, June 14, 2013

[H] Truth Thursday | I Am Here

Distance is a thing that cannot be put into words. It cannot be fully drawn, mimed, or choreographed. It is not a space that can be measured, seen, smelt, tasted, or touched. It is felt.

"I am here." I whisper to the crying child on my lap. "I'm here!!" I shout from the back of the classroom. "I'm right here," I remark as I walk out of the bathroom stall.

It's funny how we are constantly having to make our presence known. I need to assure my little lovelies that I am here, that I am listening, that I am on their side. I have to declare my attendance to my professors, coaches, and employers. I need to announce my location to the people who depend on me.

We are here. We make it known. We say hello and then goodbye. We acknowledge each new presence and it's departure. We are here. And then we're there. And then we're gone.

Distance is my cloak; my shadow. It covers me in the dark. It hides me from the light. It's a step ahead and a step behind. It has followed me through 12 moves in 21 years. It connects 3 languages, cultures, and families. It has been my companion longer than any breathing person. I feel it everyday.

I feel it when we sing the national anthem - whether in Vietnam, Philippines, or America. I feel it when I hear their hard vowel sounds that I cannot, for the life of me, seem to replicate. I feel it when they talk of memories, of old music and shows and books I never knew. I feel it when they use words like 'sexy' 'foreigner' 'big' 'traditional' 'liberal.' I feel it when I'm lost. I feel it when I'm confused.

So I say, "I am here." Not only for the sake of the child that is crying in my arms, the professor at the front of the class, or the friends that are waiting for me. I say it for me. I am here to open my heart and feel pain and love and comfort. I am here to open my mind to learn something new. I am here to experience life and let it change me. I am here to make connections. I am here to live. I am here to love. I am here to listen. I am present.

I feel my presence more strongly than my distance. With every new connection I make, I feel my presence grow. Sometimes I miss the cold assurance of my distance. It is simple, it is safe, there is no pain, only yearning. My presence is terrifying. It opens me up to a sea of pain, grief, anger, injuries, and heartbreak. But it also allows joy, peace, pleasure, love, and goodness. It is a risky choice.

Distance will always be calling me out to the safe realm of disconnect. Some days it's a giant tug out alone at sea. But I am tethered back by the passions I've found in this life. At times, I am tethered back by the pain. And yet I am anchored in love. Love is dangerous. Love is vulnerable. But in Love, I am home.

So here I am. Can you feel me?


[D] Truth Thursday | I Am Here

I am here:

And I'd rather be here:

And here: 

I didn't want to be here but the longer I stay here the easier it gets. The easier it gets, the more afraid I am of forgetting the place I once called "here." It hasn't happened yet, but I'm terrified of it finally happening. I keep saying that I want to go back, but I've moved around so much that I don't even know what, or where exactly I want to go back to. 

I am here. I am a flower constantly being transferred from pot to pot. Is it because I'm growing too fast? Or is it because the last one wasn't allowing me to grow enough?

I am here. Lonely, cold, and wet in the Seattle rain. Afraid to call any place "home." But this is my here. For now.

- D