Friday, June 14, 2013

[D] Truth Thursday | I Am Here

I am here:

And I'd rather be here:

And here: 

I didn't want to be here but the longer I stay here the easier it gets. The easier it gets, the more afraid I am of forgetting the place I once called "here." It hasn't happened yet, but I'm terrified of it finally happening. I keep saying that I want to go back, but I've moved around so much that I don't even know what, or where exactly I want to go back to. 

I am here. I am a flower constantly being transferred from pot to pot. Is it because I'm growing too fast? Or is it because the last one wasn't allowing me to grow enough?

I am here. Lonely, cold, and wet in the Seattle rain. Afraid to call any place "home." But this is my here. For now.

- D

1 comment:

  1. i know i get fuddled with thoughts like "where is home?" but i hold to the hope and the reality we do have a home and one that we will get to. and i know it's hard now (and i don't know if it will stop being hard) but hope! we have hope. we have grace.

    *cue jon foreman's "i am still running"* (and cue my tears. loljk. partially anyways.)
